Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children

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KABC, was developed (by Alan S. Kaufman and Nadeen L. Kaufman in 1983) from neuropsychological theory. The second edition (KABC-II, published in 2004), is an individually administered measure of the processing and cognitive abilities of children and adolescents aged 3–18. It is a theory based instrument grounded in a dual theoretical foundation: the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) psychometric model of broad and narrow abilities and Luria’s neuropsychological theory of processing.

Test format

The KABC-II has 18 subtests of two types: core and supplementary. Before testing the examiner decides which model to follow: Luria or CHC. The subtests are grouped into 4 or 5 scales depended on the age and interpretive model chosen. KABC-II scales and their subtests include:

Simultaneous (Luria) Visual Processing (CHC)
child assembles several foam triangles to match a picture.
Face Recognition
child looks a photographs of one or two faces for 5 seconds and then selects the correct face/faces shown in a difference pose from a selection.
Block Counting
child counts the number of blocks in a picture of a stack of blocks, some of the blocks are partially hidden.
Conceptual Thinking
child selects one picture from a set of 4 or 5 which does not belong with the set
child moves a toy dog to a bone on a grid that contains several obstacles trying to find the quickest path to the bone.
Gestalt Closure
child mentally fills in the gaps in a partially completed inkblot drawing and names or describes the object/action depicted in the drawing.
Pattern Reasoning (ages 5 and 6)
Pattern Reasoning
Story Completion (ages 5 and 6)
Story Completion
Sequential (Luria) Short Term Memory (CHC)
Word Order
    • assessor reads the names of common objects
    • child the touches a series of silhouettes of these objects in the same order they were read out in
Number Recall
    • assessor reads a string of numbers
    • child repeats the string in the same order. The strings range from 2 to 9 digits
Hand Movements
    • child copies a series of taps the examiner makes on the table with the fist, palm or side of the hand
Planning (Luria) or Fluid Reasoning (CHC)
Pattern Reasoning (ages 718)
    • child is shown a series of stimulus that form a logical linear pattern with one stimulus missing
    • child selects the missing stimulus from several options.
Story Completion (ages 718)
    • child is shown a row of pictures that tell a story, some pictures are missing
    • child selects several pictures from a selection that are needed to complete the story and places them in the correct location
Learning (Luria) or Long Term Storage and Retrieval (CHC)
    • assessor teaches the child nonsense names for pictures of fish, shells and plants
    • child then has to point to the correct picture when read out the nonsense name
Atlantis Delayed
    • child repeats the Atlantis subtest 1525 minutes later to demonstrate delayed recall
    • assessor teaches the child the word or concept associated with a rebus (drawing)
    • child reads aloud phrases and sentences composed of these rebuses
Rebus Delayed
    • child repeats the Rebus subtest 1525 minutes later to demonstrate delayed recall of paired associates
Knowledge/ Crystallised Ability (CHC only)
    • examiner says several characteristics of a concrete or abstract verbal concept
    • child has to point to it or name it
Expressive Vocabulary
    • measures the Childs ability to say the correct names of objects and illustrations
Verbal Knowledge
    • child selects from an array for 6 pictures the one that corresponds to a vocabulary word or answers a general information question


The KABC-II helps to identify an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in cognitive ability and mental processing. It was developed to evaluate pre-schoolers, minority groups, and children with learning disabilities. It is used to provide educational planning and placement, neurological assessment, and research. The assessment is to be administered in a school or clinical setting and is intended for use with English/Spanish speaking, bilingual, or nonverbal children.

* * *

The KABC is a clinical instrument (psychological diagnostic test) for assessing cognitive development and helps to identify an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in cognitive ability and mental processing


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Q4 - MAPC MPC001 Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Memory - MPC-001/ASST/TMA/2014-15
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