Psychology, 5th Edition by Robert A. Baron (eBook)
Movies and TV Series - reviews, previews, and more!
Here we list movies that would be of interest to those who love Psychology. This list would continue to be work in progress till new movies continue to be released.
If you have any suggestions for this list, please share them with us - do include the tags you would want us to use for the movie.
If you have any suggestions for this list, please share them with us - do include the tags you would want us to use for the movie.
- A Dangerous Method #CarlJung #SigmundFreud #PsychoAnalysis
- Professor Marston and The Wonder Women #WilliamMoultonMarston #ElizabethMarston #DISCTheory #LieDetectionMachine #WonderWoman
- The Imitation Game #AlanTuring #ArtificialIntelligence
- The Stanford Prison Experiment #PhilipZimbardo #Compliance #Authority
- Awakenings #Parkinson'sDisease #EncephalitisLethargica #SleepingSickness
- A Beautiful Mind #Schizophrenia #JohnNash
- Girl, Interrupted #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder
- Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye! #Kleptomania
- Sybil #DisocciativeIdentityDisorder
- The Danish Girl #SexualIdentityDisorder #Transvestism
- The Three Faces of Eve #MultiplePersonalityDisorder #DissociativeIdentityDisorder
- Amy #Bulimia #FamilyPathology #SubstanceAbuse
- Legend #ParanoidSchizophrenia
- Pawn Sacrifice #Paranoia #DelusionalPsychosis #ParanoidSchizophrenia
- Anger Management #AngerManagement
- As Good As It Gets #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder
- Dear Zindagi
- Gone Girl #Psychopath #GiftedBrains
- Into The Wild #ParentingIssues #FamilyPathology
- It's Kind Of a Funny Story #Depression #MentalInstitution #PositivePsychology
- Margarita With a Straw #CerebralPalsy #AdolescenceIssues #TeenageIssues #SexualOrientation
- Nil Battey Sannata #Arithmophobia
- No Smoking #SubstanceAbuse
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest #MentalInstitution
- Requiem For A Dream #SubstanceUseDisorder
- Short Term 12 #ChildAbuse #MentalInstitution #PTSD
- Silver Linings Playbook #BipolarDisorder
- Still Alice #Alzheimer'sDisease
- The Double #DissociativeIdentityDisorder
- The Fighter #SubstanceUseDisorder
- The Machinist #ParanoidSchizophrenia
- Trainspotting #SubstanceUseDisorder
- Warrior #SubstanceUseDisorder
- 50 First Dates #AnteretrogradeAmnesia
- A Clockwork Orange #Psychopath #CriminalPsychology
- A Green Mile #Psychopath
- Donnie Darko #ParanoidSchizophrenia
- Ghajini #AnteretrogradeAmnesia
- Good Will Hunting #GiftedChild #ChildAbuse #Counselling #Psychotherapy
- Hable Con Ella (Talk To Her) #Psychopath
- Love & Other Drugs #Parkinson's
- Memento #AnteretrogradeAmnesia
- Mystic River #PTSD #ChildSexualAbuse
- Nightcrawler #Sociopath
- Nim's Island #Agoraphobia #Germophobia
- No Country For Old Men #Psychopath
- P.S. I Love You #Asperger'sSyndrome #HighFunctioningAutism
- Raman Raghav 2.0 #Psychopath
- Scarface #Psychopath #SubstanceUseDisorder
- Se7en #Psychopath
- SuperBad #SeparationAnxiety
- The 15:17 to Paris #AttentionDeficitDisorder
- The Big Bang Theory (TVS) #Asperger'sSyndrome
- The Girl on the Train #SubstanceAbuse #Alcoholism
- The Notebook #Dementia
- The Perks of Being a Wallflower #PersonalityDisorder #ChildSexualAbuse
- There's Something About Mary #MentalRetardation
- Red Dragon #HannibalLecter
- Hannibal Rising #HannibalLecter
- Love, Wedding, Marriage #MarriageCounsellor #Ava
- Suicide Squad #HarleyQuinn
- The Big Bang Theory (TVS) #BeverlyHofstadter
- The Silence of the Lambs #HannibalLecter
- Patch Adams #PositivePsychology #PatchAdams
- Batman Begins #Hallucinogens
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind #MemoryModification
- Her #Relationships #TechnoHumanRelationships
- Paycheck #MemoryModification
- The Bone Collector #PsychopathSerialKiller
- The Girl In The Photographs #PsychopathSerialKiller
- The Kite Runner #ChildSexualAbuse
- Total Recall #MemoryModification
- Unthinkable #ForensicPsychology #Interrogation
- Watchmen #Rorschach #Sociopath
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition by Clifford T. Morgan, Richard A. King, John R. Weisz, John Schopler (eBook)
Social Psychology, 12th Edition by Robert A. Baron, Nyla R. Branscombe, Donn R. Byrne, Gopa Bhardwaj (eBook)
Statistics in Psychology and Education by S. K. Mangal (eBook)
Psychology, South Asian Edition by Saundra K. Ciccarelli and Glenn E. Meyer (eBook)
IGNOU - Practicum File for MPCL007 MAPC 1st Year
Personality Development - Psychological and Environmental Determinants
IGNOU - Examination Results - Final Score Calculator
Chi Square Method - Numerical
Please add, sex education, freud, perks of being wallflower and atypical to the list.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your suggestion dear! We will look into it and do the needful soon.