Explore Yourself Using Arts: a 2-day introductory workshop in Expressive Arts Therapy

Explore Yourself using Arts 

A 2-day Introductory Workshop in Expressive Arts Therapy: 
An exploration that will use the combinations of Psychodrama, Storytelling, Art Therapy and Dance Movement Therapy.  Expressive arts therapy is a gentle, non-judgmental approach enabling the client to become aware of what is happening in his/her unconscious.

Workshop Dates: 5th and 6th November 2014
Time: 10am to 4pm
Cost: Rs. 3500/-
Venue: B 80, Sector 14, NOIDA (Nearest Metro Station NOIDA Sector 15, Blue Line) - Delhi

For registration and/or more details: please contact Lulua at +919884700104 or email at lulua@centerforcounselling.org.

Who will benefit from this workshop :-
Psychologists, Counselors, Artists, Corporate Trainers, Teachers, NGO Workers, Social Workers, Special Educators, HR Professionals, Social Work and Psychology Students

 **Certificate will be given at the end of the workshop**

About the Trainer :-

Magdalene Jeyarathnam is a practicing counselor and counselling trainer for the last 20 years. She is a member of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes. She is trained in Expressive Arts Therapy. She is currently the Director of East West Center for Counselling & Trg based in Chennai and the Indian Institute of Psychodrama also based in Chennai. Both serves as an advanced training institute for counselors and therapists.

Please note:
*The site or the author has no relation with Center for counselling and do not endorse this workshop in any way.
**The picture used above has been created by CocoMariposa and has been taken from her Flickr account. Please read the copyright instructions if you intend to use this picture.

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