Psychology, 5th Edition by Robert A. Baron (eBook)
Kinsey - Story of the man who pioneered scientific study of sexual behavior (Movie)
The movie is a biography of Alfred Charles Kinsey's life. For those who may not know him, he is a pioneer in sexology (scientific study of sexual behavior) and the founder of the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University.
It tells you the story of how Kinsey left home to become a professor in biology, when his father wanted him to be an engineer. How he happened to then shift his focus to sexology driven by the lack of knowledge in the area. How he undertook a big scientific study which first made him famous and then led to his downfall.
Here's the trailer for you.
It tells you the story of how Kinsey left home to become a professor in biology, when his father wanted him to be an engineer. How he happened to then shift his focus to sexology driven by the lack of knowledge in the area. How he undertook a big scientific study which first made him famous and then led to his downfall.
Here's the trailer for you.
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Alfred Charles Kinsey
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