Psychology, 5th Edition by Robert A. Baron (eBook)
Did you know your memory can help you lose weight? (Research)
Yes! Believe it or not! Your memory can help you lose weight. And, it is THE BEST way to lose weight too.
Latest research has shown that remembering what you have eaten, simply by savoring your meal and focusing on it while eating it can help reduce appetite for food psychologically and thus, help in weight loss.
Click here for the full article
Introduction to Psychology, 7th Edition by Clifford T. Morgan, Richard A. King, John R. Weisz, John Schopler (eBook)
Social Psychology, 12th Edition by Robert A. Baron, Nyla R. Branscombe, Donn R. Byrne, Gopa Bhardwaj (eBook)
Statistics in Psychology and Education by S. K. Mangal (eBook)
Psychology, South Asian Edition by Saundra K. Ciccarelli and Glenn E. Meyer (eBook)
IGNOU - Practicum File for MPCL007 MAPC 1st Year
Personality Development - Psychological and Environmental Determinants
IGNOU - Examination Results - Final Score Calculator
Chi Square Method - Numerical
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