Prejudice - Types and Manifestation

As an attitude, prejudice is the negative feelings experienced on the part of the prejudiced when they are in the presence of, or merely think about, members of the groups they dislike.

What are the Types of Prejudice?

The different types of prejudice are:

  1. Gender Prejudice: The attitude that all members of a particular gender -- all women, all girls, all men, all boys -- are a certain type of person. 
  2. Racial/Ethnic/Religious/Caste Minority Prejudice: When person of certain race, ethnicity, religion or caste is believed to be inferior/superior to another.
  3. Age Prejudice/Ageism: When person below/above a certain age is considered to be inferior/superior.
  4. Class Prejudice/Classism: Belief or attitude that people of a certain economic class are inferior/superior. 
  5. Disability Prejudice/Ableism: The belief that those with physical or mental disabilities or handicaps are inferior to able-bodied people. 
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Discuss the ways in which prejudice is manifested.

As an attitude, prejudice is the negative feelings experienced on the part of the prejudiced when they are in the presence of, or merely think about, members of the groups they dislike (Brewer & Brown, 1998).

A person who is prejudiced toward some social group is predisposed to evaluate its members negatively because they belong to that group. Whether prejudice will be expressed in overt discrimination or not will depend on the perceived norms or acceptability of doing so (Crandall et al., 2002; Jetten, Spears, & Manstead, 1997).

Depending on what emotion underlies prejudice toward a particular group, the discriminatory actions that might be expected could be rather different. A prejudice can be manifested in the following behaviors:
1. Withdrawal: moving away from the object of prejudice.
2. Avoidance: avoiding situations where interaction with object of prejudice may be required.
3. Discrimination: biased behaviour against the object of prejudice
4. Lynching: behaviour aimed at causing physical hurt or injury to the object of prejudice.
5. Extermination: aimed at removing the existence of the object person of prejudice.

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Social Psychology, 12th Edition by Robert A. Baron, Nyla R. Branscombe, Donn R. Byrne, Gopa Bhardwaj (Click for eBook)

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  • Q6 - MAPC MPC004 Advanced Social Psychology - MPC004/ASST/TMA/2014-15
  • Q14 - MAPC MPC004 Advanced Social Psychology - MPC004/ASST/TMA/2014-15

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