Psychology, 5th Edition by Robert A. Baron (eBook)
Reformatory Paranoia
The disorder may result in the patient having inter-personal issues and other such issues as exist in Paranoia. He may show the symptoms typical of paranoia...
Reformatory Paranoia
The chief feature of paranoia is a permanent delusion, and delusion can be of many kinds. Hence, kinds of paranoia have been distinguished on the basis of kinds of delusions. Reformatory paranoia is a type of paranoia in which the individual has a delusion that he is a great reformer/curator. He believes that everyone around is suffering from a dangerous disease or lack of understanding. As their reformer, his goal is to free the others from this disease or lack of understanding.
The disorder may result in the patient having inter-personal issues and other such issues as exist in Paranoia. He may show the symptoms typical of paranoia patients such as self-referential thinking, thought broadcasting, magical thinking, thought withdrawal, thought insertion, ideas of reference etc.
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Abnormal Psychology by Rachana Sharma (free preview)
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