Psychology, 5th Edition by Robert A. Baron (eBook)
StrengthsFinder 2.0 By Tom Rath >> Review and free preview
Non-Fiction, Psychology, Business, Self-Help, Strengths, Positive Psychology, Personality Assessment, PsychoDiagnostics
In StrengthsFinder 2.0, Tom answers why there should be a focus on strengths, gives an overview of the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment, and then discusses each of the 34 themes forming the StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment in detail, with a dedicated chapter for each theme - the 34 themes are:
- Achiever
- Activator
- Adaptability
- Analytical
- Arranger
- Belief
- Command
- Communication
- Competition
- Connectedness
- Consistency
- Context
- Deliberative
- Developer
- Discipline
- Empathy
- Focus
- Futuristic
- Harmony
- Ideation
- Includer
- Individualization
- Input
- Intellection
- Learner
- Maximizer
- Positivity
- Relator
- Responsibility
- Restorative
- Self-Assurance
- Significance
- Strategic
- Woo
Yellow - the book is easy to read and relevant for general audience. But it is also a sales pitch for the personality assessment tool, which doesn't seem to have sufficient credibility in the psychometric assessment development circles.
I would suggest a layman to read the book as a self-introspective exercise and to understand what the best practices across the themes are.
I would suggest a layman to read the book as a self-introspective exercise and to understand what the best practices across the themes are.
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