Psychology, 5th Edition by Robert A. Baron (eBook)
Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety in the Primary Care Setting - Online Program by Harvard Medical School
The Harvard Medical School has launched a number of training programs useful for practitioners of Psychiatry and Psychology. One such training program is Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety in the Primary Care Setting. It has a certification with AMA credits for limited time, if that is important for you!
Estimated time of completion: 8-10 hours
Anxiety disorders are frequently encountered in medical practice, often presenting in masked form as somatic complaints. This course describes the differential diagnosis of anxiety disorders, notes the common comorbid medical conditions and medications that can cause anxiety, and highlights other psychiatric disorders that often coexist with anxiety disorders. The course describes in detail the key elements of anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, social and generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, and phobias, and discusses treatment planning, including both psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic approaches to each specific anxiety disorder.
Anxiety disorders are frequently encountered in medical practice, often presenting in masked form as somatic complaints. This course describes the differential diagnosis of anxiety disorders, notes the common comorbid medical conditions and medications that can cause anxiety, and highlights other psychiatric disorders that often coexist with anxiety disorders. The course describes in detail the key elements of anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, social and generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, and phobias, and discusses treatment planning, including both psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic approaches to each specific anxiety disorder.
This course is designed for primary care and specialty physicians, pharmacists, psychologists, physician assistants, nurses, and nurse practitioners.
The process is simple:
- Register at the CME site (see below)
- Learn: By watching the recorded lesson videos
- Get Certified: Follow the link to take the post-training evaluation for certification.
Note: If there's an error, or you would prefer to view directly on the Harvard site, or you want to learn more about the activity and accreditation - here's the link!
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Anxiety Disorders
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Harvard Medical School
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