Psychology, 5th Edition by Robert A. Baron (eBook)
Social Identity
According to social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1986), we can perceive ourselves differently at any given moment in time, depending on where we are on...
What is Social Identity
According to social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1986), we can perceive ourselves differently at any given moment in time, depending on where we are on the personal-versus-social identity continuum.
At the personal end of this continuum, we think of ourselves primarily as individuals. At the social end, we think of ourselves as members of specific social groups. We do not experience all aspects of our self-concept simultaneously; where we place ourselves on this continuum at any given moment will influence how we think about ourselves.
Source: Psychology, Robert Baron (Click for eBook)
At the personal end of this continuum, we think of ourselves primarily as individuals. At the social end, we think of ourselves as members of specific social groups. We do not experience all aspects of our self-concept simultaneously; where we place ourselves on this continuum at any given moment will influence how we think about ourselves.
Source: Psychology, Robert Baron (Click for eBook)
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IGNOU Solved Assignments: Q6 - MAPC MPC004 Advanced Social Psychology - MPC004/ASST/TMA/2014-15
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