Psychology, 5th Edition by Robert A. Baron (eBook)
Family Assessment Tools: Family Interview Schedule
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Interview Schedule for Family Interviews
- Personal History
- Name:
- Age:
- Sex:
- Education:
- Occupation of self:
- Income:
- Socio-economic status:
- Information regarding illnesses or problems suffered by the client:
- Are you currently suffering from any illnesses?
- Are you currently suffering from any other problems?
- Socio Cultural Background:
- What is your ethnicity?
- What is the role of the family in your society?
- Support Available: Is there someone you and your family can count on in distress and illness? Who? (Can include relatives, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, panchayat, etc.)
- Family History:
- Can you talk more about your family - parents, siblings, etc?
- Are there any illnesses or problems they’re suffering from?
- Family Life Cycle Stages
- Are you married?
- Do you have any children? How old are they?
- Who all do you live with? (Parents, children, siblings, etc.)
- Understanding power in the family:
- Are there certain family members who hold more power or influence than others?
- Do you feel you have sufficient say in family matters?
- Understanding family functioning: How does the family support one another emotionally and physically?
- Problem Solving in the Family: How does problem solving happen in your family?
- Communication in the Family:
- What is the communication pattern in your family?
- Do you feel heard?
- Roles of the various individuals in the family: What are the roles of the various individuals in your family?
- Affective responsiveness in the family: Are family members responsive and supportive of each other's emotions?
- Affective involvement of family members:
- Are family members involved in each other's hobbies, interests, and activities?
- How does the family support each other's goals and aspirations?
- Behaviour patterns and control in the family: Are there certain family members who tend to be more controlling or dominant than others?
- Interactional pattern in the family: How are family roles and responsibilities assigned and fulfilled?
- Family’s Strengths: What are your family’s strengths?
- Family’s Weaknesses: What are your family weaknesses?
- Differentiation of Individualism and Familism of the Individuals in the Family:
- Do you face situations where your preferences differ from the Family’s?
- Do you get sufficient privacy at home?
- Are your family members more concerned about themselves or about the family? What about you?
- Issues Related to Sex: Are you facing any issues related to sex?
- Issues Related to Money and Property: Are you facing any issues related to money and property?
- Expectations from self, spouse, parents, children, in-laws, work place, etc.: What are your expectations from self, spouse, parents, children, in-laws, work place, etc.?
- Meeting the Needs of Children: Are you meeting the needs of your children?
- Childhood Memories: How was your childhood? Any examples from memory you can share?
- Spiritual Issues: Are you facing any issues related to spirituality?
- Religious Issues: Are you facing any issues related to religion?
- Loneliness: Do you feel lonely?
- Self-Actualisation: [After explaining the term] Do you feel you have achieved self-actualisation?
- Relationship with Family Members: Please share your perspective about your relationship with your Family Members?
PLEASE NOTE: During the interview, focus on the client's family history:
- Begin with the Present: Start by exploring the client's current family situation and the roles and responsibilities of each member.
- Trace Backwards: Move chronologically backward through the client's family life cycle, going as far back as their earliest memories (infancy).
- Document Key Events: Note significant life events: marriages, births, deaths, job changes (employment, retirement, leaving jobs), and the development of important relationships.
- Explore Family Roles: At each stage, identify the tasks and responsibilities of each family member. Note any instances where these roles were not fulfilled as expected (deviances).
- Analyze Family Dynamics: Identify and document
- The hierarchy and power structures within the family at each stage.
- Instances of alienation (estrangement) between family members.
- Triangulation patterns (where one person draws a third party into a conflict between two others).
- Adapt for Unique Circumstances: If the client is an orphan or lacks immediate family, identify and explore the relationships with significant figures in their life (mentors, close friends, etc.).
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