IGNOU - Reference Books - MAPC - Counselling Psychology

The following list has been compiled for the 2nd year Counselling Psychology students of IGNOU MAPC. In case you know of some other book that may be relevant for these subjects or suggested by your professors/academic counselors, please leave a comment with the details.
  1. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach by David H. Barlow and Vincent Mark Durand (Click for eBook)
  2. Abnormal Psychology by James N. Butcher, Jill M. Hooley and Susan M. Mineka
  3. Abnormal Psychology by Philip C. Kendall and Constance Hammen
  4. Essential Psychiatry by Robin M. Murray, Kenneth S. Kendler, Peter McGuffin, Simon Wessely and David J. Castle
  5. Essentials of Abnormal Psychology by David H. Barlow and Vincent Mark Durand (Click for eBook)
  6. Introduction to Counseling and Guidance by Robert L. Gibson and Mariance H. Mitchell
  7. Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry (Click for eBook)
  8. Psychiatry Made Easy by T Anbu (Click for eBook)
*click on the links to go to eBooks/previews

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