IGNOU - Reference Books - MAPC - Clinical Psychology

The following list has been compiled for the 2nd year Clinical Psychology students of IGNOU MAPC. In case you know of some other book that may be relevant for these subjects or suggested by your professors/academic counselors, please leave a comment with the details.

Psychopathology MPCE011

  1. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach 7e by V. Mark Durand and David H. Barlow (free preview)
  2. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - DSM 5 by American Psychiatric Association (free preview)
  3. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - DSM IV TR by American Psychiatric Association
  4. Abnormal Psychology 15e by James N Butcher, Susan Mineka and Jill M. Hooley

PsychoDiagnostics MPCE012

  1. The International Handbook of Psychology edited by Kurt Pawlik, Mark R Rosenzweig (free preview)
  2. Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment: Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment edited by Michel Hersen (free preview)
  3. Neuropsychological Assessment By Muriel Deutsch Lezak (free preview)
  4. Psychological Assessment: A Conceptual Approach, by M. P. Maloney and M. P. Ward, New York: Oxford University Press, 1976.
  5. The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications By Bernardo J. Carducci
  6. Handbook of Personality Assessment by Irving B. Weiner and Roger L. Greene

PsychoTherapeutic Methods MPCE013

  1. Core Approaches in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Fay Short and Phil Thomas (free preview)
  2. Clinical Psychology: Assessment, Treatment, and Research edited by David C.S. Richard, Steven K. Huprich (free preview)
  3. Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment: Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment edited by Michel Hersen (free preview)
  4. Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy_Michel Hersen, William Sledge
  5. Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy By Gerald Corey (free preview)
  6. Person Centred Therapy 100 Key points By Paul Wilkins (free preview)
  7. Significant Aspects of Client-Centered Therapy By Carl R. Rogers (free)
  8. Person-Centred Therapy: A Clinical Philosophy By Keith Tudor, Mike Worrall (free preview)

*click on the links to go to eBooks/previews

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