This Is Your Brain on Depression - Creating Your Path To Getting Better

Have you ever wondered what depression really is? How does one actually treat depression? Drugs? Therapy? Massage? Heed the advice of this expert.

This Is Your Brain on Depression


128 pages

Non-Fiction,Self-Help,Mental Health,Psychology

Blackstone Publishing - Dec 04, 2018



The Book

People who have never been depressed have no idea what it's like. In this book Dr. Harper covers the 'brain science' behind depression. But, more importantly she focuses on what you can do to feel good again (including drugs, but avoiding a spiralling successions of drug cocktails).

The book answers questions like what is depression? What are its causes? What are the different types? And, most important, how does one get better?

Gold. The book is a must read for anyone who has anything to do with depression. It covers pretty much everything that could be covered in such a concise form, while maintaining readability - even with the f#ck load of shite!

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