Psychology, 5th Edition by Robert A. Baron (eBook)
Assessment Tool: Questionnaire for Evaluating an Individual's Understanding of Sexuality
Evaluate an individual's understanding of sexuality, sexual orientations, and gender norms, fostering awareness and appreciation in these vital areas.
Questionnaire: Understanding Human Sexuality
Understanding and Appreciation of Sexuality, Sexual Orientations, Gender Roles, and Norms
General Information
- Name:
- Age:
- Sex:
- Education:
About Sexuality
Select any one option to answer the following questions:
- What is your understanding of the term "sexuality"?
- Physical act of having sex
- Being of a particular sex
- Identifying as a sexual being
- Performing behaviours in accordance with societal rules for specific sex
- All of the above
- What is the primary purpose of sex?
- Reproductive – to bear a child
- Relational – a natural part of intimate and loving relationship
- Recreational – to give pleasure
- What is the distinction between sex and gender?
- Sex refers to social attributes, while gender refers to biological characteristics
- Sex is biologically determined, while gender is socially constructed
- What are the different components of human sexuality:
- Biological and Physical
- Emotional
- Rational
- Behavioural
- All of the above
- I feel comfortable discussing questions about sexuality with my:
- Family – Parents and/or Siblings
- Friend(s)
- Both of the above
- None of the above
- Current generation is more open about sex and accepting of diverse sexualities.
- Society has become more accepting and empowering about female sexuality.
About Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
Select any one option to answer the following questions:- Who/what contributed the most in learning about your gender identity and sexual orientation?
- School – Sex Education
- Parents and Siblings
- Cousins or other relatives
- Peers
- Other - please specify:
- I sometimes doubt or feel uncomfortable with my gender identity.
- Level of emotional bonding of an individual is related to their gender identity.
- Workplaces should promote gender diversity/inclusivity.
- Family reputation is affected if a member is homosexual, trans or queer.
- I have faced discrimination because of my sexual orientation.
- I am familiar with the concept of intersexuality (biologically neither male, nor female).
- A person is born with a fixed sexual orientation, and does not have a choice.
- I am comfortable watching LGBTQ+ characters in TV shows and movies.
- I feel comfortable interacting with LGBTQ+ individuals.
- The society should embrace diverse sexual orientations.
- Same sex marriage should be legalized.
About Gender Roles
Do you agree with the following statements (Yes or No):- Traditional gender roles (male = bread-winner and female = household responsibility) are outdated and irrelevant in today's modern society.
- Society and/or my family expects me to behave in a certain way because of my gender.
- I feel/have felt pressure to conform to gender expectations regarding sexuality.
- I have faced gender-based discrimination.
- Son is a support to his parents during old-age, whereas girls belong to other families.
- Boys are supposed to work and earn money, girls are supposed to do household work.
About Norms and Variations
Do you agree with the following statements (Yes or No):
- Societal norms play a significant role in shaping attitudes towards sexuality.
- Societal attitudes towards sexuality have become more progressive over time.
- Societal attitudes towards sexuality vary significantly across different cultures depending on cultural norms and values.
- I feel comfortable challenging traditional sexual norms.
- An individual’s sexuality impacts the family’s reputation in the society.
- Individuals should have the right to choose their own sexual partners.
- Women also have the right to experience sexual pleasure (orgasms).
- Sex education should be mandatory in schools.
- Educational institutions can contribute to fostering a more inclusive and accepting environment for diverse sexual orientations.
- Would you like to share any additional thoughts or comments you may have about sexuality, sexual orientations and variations, gender roles, societal norms etc.?
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