Organisational Assessment Tool: Interview Schedule for Review of an Organisation Working in the Field

Interview Schedule to understand the working of an organisation doing Marital / Child and Adolescent/ Substance Use Counselling and Family Therapy! 

Interview Schedule for Review of an Organisation Working in the Field

To understand the working of an organisation/centre in the field of Marital Counselling, Child and Adolescent Counselling, Substance Use Counselling and Family Therapy

Opening Questions: General Information

  1. Do I have your consent to take your interview for the purpose of ____?
  2. What is your name? 
  3. What is your designation/role in the organisation?

Organisational Structure and History

  1. Name and Address: Can you please share the official name and address of the Organisation/Centre?
  2. Governing Body: Could you describe the organisational and administrative setup of the institution, including any board or governing bodies involved in decision-making?
  3. History: What is the history or background of the organisation, and how did it come into existence?
  4. Mission/Aim: Could you share the aim and mission statement of the centre/organisation?
  5. Registration: Is the organisation/institution registered with any relevant professional or governing bodies, and if so, could you provide details?

Services Provided and Target Clientele/Beneficiaries

  1. Focus: Your centre focuses on Counselling and/or Family Therapy. What are the related therapeutic services provided at your centre?
  2. Target Population: What is the primary target group of beneficiaries for the services offered by your centre in terms of demographics, socio-economic background or any other criteria?
  3. Client-base:
    1. What types of beneficiaries typically approach the organisation/centre for assistance?
    2. Could you discuss the nature of problems or issues that these beneficiaries seek help for?
  4. Outreach: Does your centre utilize any outreach programs or initiatives to raise awareness of your services in the community?

Operations and Infrastructure

  1. Funding: What are the primary sources of funding for the organisation/centre?
  2. Facilities: What infrastructural facilities are present at the centre to support its activities and services?
  3. Partnerships: Does your organisation have partnerships with governmental agencies, NGOs, or private organisations? If yes: Please elaborate.
  4. Community Engagement: Does the centre engage with local bodies such as panchayats, community-based organisations, etc.? If yes: Please elaborate.
  5. Staff: Can you describe the range of professional support available: including qualifications, expertise, and job descriptions of the employees?

Research and Training

  1. Research: Does your organisation/centre conduct any research related to counselling and family therapy? If yes: please elaborate.
  2. Training: Does your organisation/centre offer any training programmes related to counselling and family therapy? If yes: please elaborate.

Achievements, Awards and Future Plans

  1. Recognition/Awards: Has the centre received any community recognition or awards for its work?
  2. Achievements: Could you highlight any notable achievements or milestones in the centre's history?
  3. Future Plans: What are the future plans of the centre in terms of growth and development?

Closing Questions

  1. Are there any challenges or obstacles that the centre faces in fulfilling its objectives?
  2. Anything else you would like to share regarding your organisation/centre?

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