Assessment Tool: Interview Schedule to Explore an Individual's Understanding of Karma

Interview Schedule to help you explore and understand the varied understanding of Karma across people belonging to different religions and sects.

Interview Schedule: Understanding Karma

To explore the varied understanding of Karma across different religions/sects.

Opening Questions: General Information

  1. Do I have your consent to take your interview for the purpose of _____?
  2. What is your name?
  3. How old are you?
  4. How educated are you?
  5. What is your occupation?
  6. Do you believe in any religion or sect? Which one?

Understanding of Karma

  1. Does the concept of Karma exist in your religion? 
    1. If Yes: What does it mean? And, how important is it?
    2. If No: Is there a similar concept dealing with the consequences of your actions?
  2. Can you provide any examples, stories or teachings from your religious texts or personal experiences that illustrate the concept of Karma?
  3. What is your personal understanding/experience of Karma? Do you believe in Karma? If Yes:
    1. What do you feel about Karma?
    2. Are you mindful of your thoughts and actions – Good Karma or Bad?
    3. Have you ever perceived it as a form of bondage?
  4. Does Karma involve good and bad actions only?
    1. Can bad thoughts impact Karma as well?
    2. Can unintentional ‘bad’ acts also impact your Karma?
  5. Is Karma different from fate or destiny? How?

Overall Impact of Karma

  1. Do you believe in ‘janams’? If yes:
    1. Can Karmas of past lives impact your current life?
    2. Will your acts in the current life have an impact on your next life?
  2. Have you ever felt the impact of Karma on your life? If yes: Can you share an example - any significant event/situation where Karma played a prominent role in your understanding or response?
  3. Does your understanding of/belief in Karma influence your daily life?
    1. Does it impact your decision making and choices? How?
    2. Do you believe every action has a consequence?

Impact of Karma on Understanding of Self

  1. How does your understanding of Karma influence you – your behaviours, motives and thoughts?
  2. Does Karma aid your self-awareness in some way?

Impact of Karma on Attitude Towards Life and Work

  1. How does your understanding of Karma influence your attitude towards life?
  2. Does it make you more focused on what you’re doing without worrying about the gains? 
  3. Does it affect your work ethic - make you work harder?
  4. Does it affect your sense of personal responsibility, moral code or value system?
  5. Does it make you consider the consequences of your actions?

Impact of Karma on Socialisation

  1. Does Karma influence your views on:
    1. Forgiveness
    2. Compassion
    3. Justice?
  2. Does it affect your interactions with others within your community and how you form relationships? How does it shape your attitudes towards others and society as a whole?
  3. Can your close ones – family and friends - impact your Karma? Is it possible that you might need to carry the burden of/benefit from someone else’s Karma?
  4. Does Karma affect the way you behave with your family and friends?

Impact of Karma on Coping with Stress and Adversity

  1. How does Karma shape your attitude towards adversity, suffering and misfortune?
  2. Does belief in Karma help you cope with stress or challenging situations? How?
  3. Does it provide a sense of comfort or reassurance during difficult times?
  4. Can you share an example where belief in Karma helped you navigate challenging situations?

Closing Question: Comments

  1. Is there anything else you would like to share about Karma, its impact or its significance?

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